August kids page. Updated 10/03/17. (Nothing for Sale at this time)
Texas Dream Farm Khloe Dash X Strike It Rich B Apache
DOB 08/21/17 **POLLED**
1 Doeling
wether $150,
Both Sold- Thomas & Claudine
These pics were taken right after they were born. New ones to come.
Piddlin Acres CB Prada Pearls X Strike it Rich B Apache
DOB 08/20/17
2 Wethers
1st pic SOLD - Dave and Tina
2nd pic - Reserved - Margaret and John
1st pic polled, 2nd pic disbudded.
Goldielocks X Strike It Rich B Apache
2 doelings (For Sale $250 Each) Place your deposit of $100 for your choice to hold. Both SOLD - David & Julie
DOB 8/17/17
These 2 doelings will be sold unregistered. The dam was registered I just never received her papers. They are very nice doelings!!!
DOB 8/17/17
These 2 doelings will be sold unregistered. The dam was registered I just never received her papers. They are very nice doelings!!!
Sweet Blossom Hertitage Rose X Strike It Rich B Apache
DOB 08-17-17 **POLLED**
1 Doeling (1st Pic) $450, Requires $150 deposit to hold. Reserved - Jamie (Pending pickup 10/19)
, 1 Buckling, Will be sold as a wether. Pet or show only. $150. Requires a $50 deposit to hold until weaned. - Reserved - Elizabeth (Pending pickup weekend of 10/14)
1 Doeling (1st Pic) $450, Requires $150 deposit to hold. Reserved - Jamie (Pending pickup 10/19)
, 1 Buckling, Will be sold as a wether. Pet or show only. $150. Requires a $50 deposit to hold until weaned. - Reserved - Elizabeth (Pending pickup weekend of 10/14)
Piddlin Acres AP Patina X Strike It Rich B Apache
1st Pic reserved - Jamie (Pending pickup 10/19)
2nd pic SOLD - Dave and Tina
1st 2 pics for sale, bottom pics retained. doelings, $450 each. Requires $150 deposit to hold your choice until weaned.
DOB 08/17/17 **POLLED**
2nd pic SOLD - Dave and Tina
1st 2 pics for sale, bottom pics retained. doelings, $450 each. Requires $150 deposit to hold your choice until weaned.
DOB 08/17/17 **POLLED**
Arrowhead's Sugar Baby X Strike It Rich B Apache
DOB 08/17/17
1 Doeling, 1st pic $450, requires a deposit of $150 to hold until weaned. SOLD - Kathy & Jonathan
1 buckling. $350, requires a $100 deposit to hold until weaned. **POLLED** - Reserved - Elizabeth (Pending Pickup 10/14)
1 Doeling, 1st pic $450, requires a deposit of $150 to hold until weaned. SOLD - Kathy & Jonathan
1 buckling. $350, requires a $100 deposit to hold until weaned. **POLLED** - Reserved - Elizabeth (Pending Pickup 10/14)
Piddlin Acres Boomchakalaka X Strike It Rich B Apache
1 gorgeous buckling- Retained.
DOB 08/16/17 **POLLED**
DOB 08/16/17 **POLLED**
Sweet Blossom Venice X Strike It Rich B Apache
Doeling, 1st pic $450, requires $150 deposit to hold until weaned. She is much prettier than this pic. I will get a new one. **POLLED**
Wether for sale $150 requires $50 deposit to hold until weaned.
DOB 08/16/17 Doe - Reserved - Jamie (Pending pickup 10-19)
Wether - Reserved - Margaret and John
Wether for sale $150 requires $50 deposit to hold until weaned.
DOB 08/16/17 Doe - Reserved - Jamie (Pending pickup 10-19)
Wether - Reserved - Margaret and John
RK Kids B Alena X Strike It Rich B Apache
Bucklings, These boys will be sold as wethers. $150 each as pets or wethers only. Requires $50 deposit to hold until weaned.
DOB 08/16/17 SOLD - Max